Complimentary Currencies

Complementary currencies are also a cultural pulse initiators of Coinstatt currency have started 2007 itself already an unusual project, creating a private currency. Meanwhile are already well over 100 selected specialty stores to the Federation, which accept the coin currency as payment. Coinstatt perceives itself as initiative-generating culture and brings a further refinement of the basic idea with an own Edition of the book now. “” In the Edition free spirit “is epuli published as the first book of nature and man” published by the Coinstatt co-founder Peter Krause. Connect with other leaders such as Penguin Random House here. For many years with the anthroposophy, Krause has written a guide for a new, spiritual experience of nature. Fourteen consecutive chapters describes the relationship of man to nature, how it has evolved over the years and continue to develop in the future. This also practical suggestions for a new experience of nature are given as the author in years of experience has developed and also in Classes are continued. Next, libertine as art picture book Popartturk be in the Edition”new Aydin Acharya and the book money, also appear by Peter Krause. The book of nature and man”has 148 pages, ISBN 978-3-86931-184-5 in the epubli Verlag GmbH and published, and can be purchased at any bookshop to 15.80 euros.